For this final project, I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and do something better, challenge myself. 
I am used for these project to focus on photography or drawing techniques, However, this time,  the project is supposed more ambitious since I will be using new editing software Da Vinci Resolve and develop new skills. I always found color correcting footage terrifying and this project would be a great opportunity for me to try and get over that fear. 
As you might have guessed, the project is inspired by the book Simulation by Baudrillard.  
More specifically, I decided to focus on the idea of nostalgia. "When the real is no longer what it used to be, nostalgia assumes its full meaning [...] There is an escalation of the true, of the lived experience; a resurrection of the figurative where the object and substance have disappeared." (p.12)
The general concept is to create a 5 to 10 min video based on a trip I went with my friends. In fact, these days, I have been spending more time on Youtube and found myself being attracted to a specific type of content creators. A good examples would be Life of Riza. Her work is very cinematographic and remings me  in a way of the slice of life anime or even Wes Anderson type of movies. For context, Wes Anderson is an American filmmaker known for his distinctive visual and narrative style. He is known for his precise visuals (colorful, vibrant, symmetrical) and his narrative techniques (voice overs, subtitles…) He usually touches on themes such as melancholy and friendship which is exactly what I want to portray in my film. As a soon to be graduate student, these last few weeks of schools are times of reflections and nostalgia. I find myself grasping every moment, getting attached to every objects, every habits since they are now starting to feel ephemeral, like a dream coming to an end. 
I have two options for my videos. I could use footage from a trip in Puerto Rico or the camping trip. So far, I do not really know which one to choose however, I know that both project would be a blast to work on. 


Week 2 

•Transfer footage
•Figure out music situation

Week 3 to 5 

•Start editing (rough cut and choosing video)
•More robust Storytelling 

Week 5 to 7

•Finish editing (color correcting, music syncing?) 
•Record VoiceOver 

Week 8 and 9

•Perfecting/ troubleshouting…

Life of Riza

Wes Anderson


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